12 Lies Keeping You From Writing

So, here it is, my first blog post on writing, and it’s about lies. I could write a book about lies, especially this obsession people have with little white lies.

I remember watching an episode of Scorpion (American drama series) in which Paige explained to Walter that it’s ok to tell a white lie if it means not hurting someone you love. You know, the kind of lie that protects a person from being hurt unnecessarily. As long as it’s a white lie, and it’s not about something important, like, say… 

Ok, I have nothing. 

In my book, a lie is a lie. By definition, a lie is leading someone away from the truth. It’s about giving them a false impression about a situation. Needless to say, things didn’t end well for Walter because he couldn’t tell when the white lie turned grey, then black. All these unnecessary complications!

Listen, lies are never good. White. Black. Grey. Blurred Lines. Whatever you want to call them, once you’re not telling the truth, you’re going to get into problems. The worst kinds of lies are the ones we tell ourselves because these are the ones we seem to believe unquestioningly, like “I’m only going to spend 15 minutes on social media.” Seriously? If you ever manage that feat, bottle the formula because somebody will buy that.

If you’re a writer and you’ve not yet been published, or you published one book many years ago but can’t seem to get around to writing let alone publishing another one, then I guarantee that you’re listening to your own tall tales. We tell ourselves many untruths that keep us stuck, and the interesting thing about all of this is that once you read them you will immediately recognize how untrue they are. 

There are 12 of them we can identify and these are the ones I’ll be discussing in this series.

Lie #1 – I don’t have time to write.

Lie #2 – I can only write when inspired.

Lie #3 – Nobody wants to read my writing.

Lie #4 – I’ll get started tomorrow.

Lie #5 – I need an original idea.

Lie #6 – I have writer’s block.

Lie #7 – I don’t need a plan, I have talent.

Lie #8 – My writing needs to be perfect.

Lie #9 – I’ll finish this after…(insert your latest obsession).

Lie #10 – I need to build a brand first.

Lie #11 – Writing is easy when you’re talented.

Lie #12 – I don’t need an editor.

These aren’t likely all the lies writers tell themselves, but they are the 12 most common. The good news is that once you recognize the lie, you can do something about it. 

I desperately wanted to title this series of articles 12 Lies Keeping You From Writing and How to Stop Believing Them but that title seemed a little too long for a quick glance. You see, I don’t believe in just pointing out issues unless I’m also giving advice on how to take action and fix them. Otherwise, what’s the point of focusing on the pain, right? 

So, stay tuned, and over the next few weeks, we’ll discuss some of the darkness clouding your writing journey and some practical things you can do to bring the sunshine.

In the meantime, write every chance you get.

And, as always, happy writing.


Knowing where to start is a challenge all writers face. Young writers, especially, often go straight to the excitement and underestimate the value of the beginning. Introductions are important because they generate interest in readers and give them context, all the while building anticipation about what’s to come.

To help your young writer create effective introductions, ask them to think about the introduction as having five parts. First, they must hook the reader with an enticing first line. Then, they must transition to who the story is about. Then, they must move on to explain what the situation is. Then, they must tell readers where all this is happening. Finally, they must hint at impending trouble.

That order works well in most situations, but the list can be reordered to suit how the writer wants to develop the story. The only things that don’t change are the location of the hook and that all the elements mentioned must come in the introduction. Practicing first lines and introductions is important because, as the saying goes, you never get a second chance at a first impression.

So, don’t leave young writers guessing about what to do. Show your young writer that there are different strategies for hooking the readers’ attention and allow them to practice. Remind them to include description from the onset, especially when introducing characters and setting. And above all, encourage them to build excitement along the way.


Let’s Get Writing

We are on the other side of SEA, and those who did the exam are now on their way to new adventures. May they face their days with courage and joy.

For those who are preparing for upcoming SEA exams, we’re here and ready to focus on our writing.

Let’s get started today with a note about what it takes to get 18-20 in Creative Writing.

  1. Understanding what the prompt is asking for.
  2. Identifying all the concepts and issues in the prompt
  3. Knowing if the prompt targets before, during, or after a situation
  4. Recognizing what to write about
  5. Exceeding the expectations for the task.
  6. Selecting a suitable response to the task
  7. Understanding what is the minimum requirement
  8. Knowing how to go beyond the minimum requirement
  9. Effectively developing setting.
  10. Deciding how much setting needs to be described
  11. Describing setting throughout the story, not just in one place
  12. Ensuring that characters interact with the setting
  13. Developing characters through dialogue and description.
  14. Paying attention to personality, attitude, and physical description
  15. Using dialogue to share information
  16. Making dialogue realistic but concise
  17. Expressing ideas in vivid description and figurative language.
  18. Giving details beyond narrating actions
  19. Working descriptions into the telling of the story
  20. Incorporating similes, metaphors, imagery, and other literary devices
  21. Skillfully developing the plot.
  22. Being confident about how the story unfolds
  23. Engaging with conflict that gets worse before it gets better
  24. Resolving the conflict in a reasonable way
  25. Demonstrating a strong command of the English language –
  26. Vocabulary
  27. Grammar
  28. Punctuation
  29. Organization (paragraphing)
  30. Spelling

Over the course of the next few weeks I will discuss what is needed in each of these categories so that you will have an idea of how to help your child.