What is Copyright?

Copyright is a subset of property rights and protects literary and artistic works that are original creations. Whether you are a painter, photographer, writer, artist, or composer, this right allows for the original author of a creative work to be given the exclusive right to use the work. Protection attaches to the author when the work is made in any permanent form.

Copyright covers;

  • Audiovisual works (TV, movies and online videos)
  • Sound recordings and musical recordings
  • Written works (books, novels, poetry)
  • Visual works (paintings, posters, ads)
  • Dramatic works (plays, musicals)
  • Works of Mas (costumes, style of dance, style of oratory specific to carnival)

Why do I need Copyright?

The main idea of copyright is to prevent others from copying the works, in whatever form that may take. Economic rights are given to creators who require mass distribution.

What questions do you have about copyright? Ask your questions in the comments below.

