Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

Research is an essential tool used to gather information, analyze data, and draw conclusions about a particular topic. Research can be classified into two major categories: qualitative research and quantitative research. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between them.

Here are the key differences:

  1. Data Collection:
    Qualitative research collects non-numerical data such as interviews, focus groups, and observation, while quantitative research collects numerical data through surveys, experiments, and statistical analysis.
  2. Research Purpose: Qualitative research seeks to explore and understand the behavior, attitudes, and opinions of individuals or groups, while quantitative research seeks to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between variables.
  3. Subjectivity vs Objectivity: Qualitative research is subjective in nature, meaning that the interpretation of data collected is influenced by the researcher’s personal biases, experiences, and perceptions, while quantitative research is objective in nature, meaning that the data collected is not influenced by the researcher’s personal biases, experiences, or perceptions.
  4. Sample Size: Qualitative research typically has a smaller sample size compared to quantitative research. This is because qualitative research involves in-depth analysis of a few individuals or groups, while quantitative research involves a larger sample size to ensure statistical significance.
  5. Data Analysis: Qualitative research involves thematic analysis and interpretation of data, while quantitative research involves statistical analysis to identify patterns and relationships between variables.
  6. Generalization: Qualitative research does not aim for the generalization of findings, as the sample size is small and the data is subjective. Quantitative research, on the other hand, aims for the generalization of findings to a larger population through statistical analysis.
  7. Research Design: Qualitative research is exploratory and flexible, allowing the researcher to adapt to new information as it emerges. Quantitative research is more structured and follows a predetermined research design and methodology.
  8. Timeframe: Qualitative research often takes longer to conduct as data collection and analysis are more time-consuming. Quantitative research, on the other hand, can be conducted more quickly due to its structured design and statistical analysis.

Examples of the Differences Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Qualitative ResearchQuantitative Research
Seeks to understand the subjective experiences of cancer patients through in-depth interviewsConducts a survey to identify the percentage of the population that smokes
Observes the behavior of children in a preschool to understand how they interact with each otherConducts an experiment to determine the effect of a new drug on blood pressure
Interviews managers of a company to understand their leadership styles and decision-making processesAnalyzes sales data to identify the impact of a marketing campaign on revenue
Conducts focus groups with teenagers to understand their attitudes towards social mediaAdministers a standardized test to measure intelligence levels of students
Observes the behavior of consumers in a store to understand their shopping habitsUses a questionnaire to gather data on customer satisfaction with a product or service
Studies the impact of poverty on mental health by conducting in-depth interviews with low-income familiesConducts a longitudinal study to measure the impact of exercise on weight loss over time

Understanding the differences between qualitative and quantitative research is important in determining which research approach to use for a particular research question and in interpreting the findings of research studies. For more information on research, check out this blog post.

Do you have any questions on qualitative and quantitative research? Comment below.

The Importance of Citations

I had a conversation this evening with a graduate student about references and citations. Even when students think they have it right, somehow they still seem to miss the mark. That’s because few understand the significance of a citation. Most focus on whether or not the brackets and dates are in the right place, and not on why the citation is needed in the first place.

Let me break it down for you. When you use research to establish or support a point you’re making in your paper, you must credit the source of the research by naming the author(s) and the year the material was published. That is a citation.

It’s important to do this because you don’t want to be called out for using someone’s work and passing it off as yours. That’s the result of not citing when you mention studies and findings and anything that you didn’t come up with yourself.

If you came up with it yourself, then where’s your research to support your claims? Yes, you have to cite yourself if you have done prior research that you’re including in the current paper. If you haven’t done any studies to back up your assertions, then what’s the basis for your conclusions? That’s right, someone else’s research, who you must credit.

The trick with citations, though, is having enough support for the points you’re making. One or two researchers per point are not enough for a graduate level paper. If there are only two studies on the matter, and it’s cutting-edge stuff that no one else is doing, how is this research fitting in with everyone else’s? How are other researchers reacting to this new concept? You still have to place the research in a context.

The bottom line with citations, particularly at the graduate level, is that you must demonstrate that you’re widely read, which means you can connect several studies to support your ideas.


How to Avoid Self-Plagiarism

Self-plagiarism is defined as recycling or reusing one’s own specific words from previously published work in new work. In much simpler terms, ‘Stealing from yourself’. For academics and students, it is something to keep in mind when referencing your past work. For more information on plagiarism, check out our previous blog post.

“The American Psychological Association (2010) explains how plagiarism differs from self-plagiarism: “Whereas plagiarism refers to the practice of claiming credit for the words, ideas, and concepts of others, self-plagiarism refers to the practice of presenting one’s own previously published work as though it were new” (pg. 170).”- Turnitin: Is Recycling Your Own Work Plagiarism?

“The broadest reason to avoid self-plagiarism deals with the integrity of the research record, and of scientific discovery as a whole. It is widely understood that each published manuscript will include new knowledge and results that advance our understanding of the world. When your manuscript contains uncited recycled information, you are countering the unspoken assumption that you are presenting entirely new discoveries.“- AJE Scholar- Self-Plagiarism: How to Define It and Why You Should Avoid It

For students, instructors will hold you up to this standard of writing and you will likely be penalized for self-plagiarism. Plagiarizing a previously written assignment hurts you as you aren’t learning anything new, showing no progress to your teacher. If it is necessary, discuss whether it’s acceptable to reuse or rework parts of your past assignment with your instructor.

Self Plagiarism especially applies to published works, many times due to publishing laws, using your own past words may fall into copyright infringement. “You can cite yourself just like you would cite any other source. Be sure that you have permission from your instructor or Publisher to reuse previous content before doing so, and indicate in your citation if the source is unpublished.”-Scribbr: A guide to self-plagiarism for students and academics.

Do you have any more questions about plagiarism?



How to Avoid Plagiarism

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the act of using or presenting someone else’s work, ideas, or words as your own, without giving proper credit or attribution to the original source. It is a form of intellectual dishonesty and a violation of ethical and academic standards.

This act can take many forms, including copying and pasting text from a source without citation, paraphrasing someone else’s ideas without giving credit, or using someone else’s images or multimedia content without permission. It can occur in academic writing, journalism, creative writing, and many other types of content.

Plagiarism is considered a serious offense and can result in consequences such as legal action, loss of reputation, and academic penalties, such as failing a course or being expelled from a program.

So, how do you avoid plagiarizing?

Acknowledge your sources

You don’t know everything and you aren’t expected to. You should always acknowledge the sources for the information you want to share. Not only does it give the reader a chance to get more information about this topic but it also shows that your work is reputable and not something you made up!

Paraphrase correctly

Paraphrasing correctly ensures that you are able to express the information without accidentally misrepresenting the information. You want what you have written to reflect the original meaning of the source but also be unique to your writing and suited for your purpose.

Quote correctly

Quote correctly by using quotation marks for every direct use of another person’s words. Be sure to double-check your work to ensure there are no missed punctuation marks! Include a reference at the end of your text adhering to the style guide you’re working with.

Keep track of your sources

Keep track of your sources when making notes for your assignments. Bookmark or save information that will need to be cited later, this also helps you to not Paraphrase incorrectly.

Cite your sources

Every time you quote or paraphrase you must include an in-text or footnote citation which further corresponds to a full reference in the reference list or bibliography at the end of your paper. Make sure your sources are credible and backed by evidence, not opinion.

Use a plagiarism checker

Lastly run your work through a plagiarism checker, just to be sure.



What is Copyright?

Copyright is a subset of property rights and protects literary and artistic works that are original creations. Whether you are a painter, photographer, writer, artist, or composer, this right allows for the original author of a creative work to be given the exclusive right to use the work. Protection attaches to the author when the work is made in any permanent form.

Copyright covers;

  • Audiovisual works (TV, movies and online videos)
  • Sound recordings and musical recordings
  • Written works (books, novels, poetry)
  • Visual works (paintings, posters, ads)
  • Dramatic works (plays, musicals)
  • Works of Mas (costumes, style of dance, style of oratory specific to carnival)

Why do I need Copyright?

The main idea of copyright is to prevent others from copying the works, in whatever form that may take. Economic rights are given to creators who require mass distribution.

What questions do you have about copyright? Ask your questions in the comments below.

