


One of the complaints I hear from parents all the time is that teachers don’t give effective feedback on essays. At first, I couldn’t understand what the issue was. Then I realized that giving feedback is something that isn’t often taught, especially when it comes to writing instruction.

Our teacher-education system does not include courses to help primary school teachers effectively teach writing. And when feedback is spoken of, it’s often done in general terms that leave teachers unsure about what to do and how to do it. As a result, many teachers mistake approval and judgement for feedback. An evaluative response alone isn’t feedback, certainly not the kind that would help a student improve their writing. Assigning a mark or grade alone isn’t effective feedback either.

Effective feedback is specific, encourages students to reflect on their writing, and guides them toward what to do to improve. There are several feedback strategies you can implement as a writing instructor to help your young writer develop the required skills for writing well.