Creative Writing Drills for Standard 5 Students
Report & Narrative Writing Practice

Sundays from 4:30pm to 6:00pm
OR Thursdays 6:30pm to 8pm

Standard 5 is crunch time for students preparing for SEA. At this point, they’ve covered the major concepts for both report and narrative writing. What’s needed now is writing practice with detailed feedback to support improvement.

That’s exactly what this course is about.

Each week, students will focus on one major concept for either report writing or narratives, and write a complete essay. After submitting to the instructor, students will receive a detailed feedback document highlighting areas for improvement along with recommendations about exactly what to do to improve their writing.

This course continues next term, from January to April 2025, with the same structure – focused writing, detailed feedback, steady improvement.

Special Features of This Course

* Writing every week
* Detailed written feedback within 4 days of essay submission
* One on one session focused on report writing
* One on one session focused on narrative writing
* Recorded sessions and digital notes

Here’s the course schedule for this term:

Session 1: Review Narrative Requirements, Write First Narrative

Session 2: Review Report Requirements, Write First Report

Session 3: Review Introductions & Beginning Conflict, Write Second Narrative

Session 4: Review Introduction & Transitions, Write Second Report

Session 5: Review Character Descriptions, Write Third Narrative

Session 6: Review Passive Voice & Reported Speech, Write Third Report

Session 7: Review Setting Descriptions, Write Fourth Narrative

Session 8: Review Past Tense, Write Fourth Report

Session 9: Report Writing One on Ones

Session 10: Review Ending Reports, Write Fifth Report

Session 11: Narrative Writing One on Ones

Session 12: Review Ending Stories, Write Fifth Narrative

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