Training for Parents & Teachers

PARENTS: You don’t have to be a writing expert to help your child. You can support your child’s creative writing development at home with the skills and strategies you’ll learn at this workshop. Understand the blueprint for making writing instruction interesting and relevant. Get the tools you need to guide your child effectively.

TEACHERS: You don’t have to feel stressed about teaching creative writing. Learn strategies to integrate writing instruction into you lessons that will not overwhelm you, your students, or your schedule. Understand the reading-writing connection and how you can leverage that to cover both comprehension and writing efficiently.

SESSION 1: Strategies for Better Report Writing Instruction
This workshop includes the following resources –
* Comprehensive outline of topics and content to be covered when teaching report writing.
* Report writing textbook – Investigating Facts
* Blank Report Feedback Template

NOTE: Register by 24th of July to receive textbook via TTPOST prior to the session.

SESSION 2: Strategies for Better Narrative Writing Instruction

This workshop includes the following digital resources –
* Comprehensive outline of topics and content to be covered when teaching narrative writing.
* Detailed breakdown of the 12-point Plot Development
* Blank 12-point Plot Development Worksheet
* Content notes for lessons on Character Development, Setting Description, and Dialogue
* Blank Narrative Feedback Template

Cost: $450 per session
Save $50 and pay only $850 if you register for both