Creating your Future

This week is preparation week as many parents and children get ready to head back out to school. For most, it means a new class, and for quite a few, an entirely new environment. Some children, and parents, are anxious about the new academic year. Having anxiety is natural, after all, none of us know what’s going to happen in the future. We can only do our best and live with hope. So don’t be anxious about the future, create it.

A number of people are credited for saying, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Great minds like Abraham Lincoln and Peter Drucker. Wherever the quote came from, there is wisdom in those words. Here are three things you can do to reduce anxiety, and guarantee success.

1. Set goals.

It’s difficult to get somewhere if you don’t know where you’re going. So, decide what you want to accomplish, and write it down. For children, goals might be to get 90% in my next report card, or increase my overall score by 20%, or even something simple like learn to spell 5 new words every week. The main thing to remember about setting goals is that you want to be specific. If you’re not specific, then you won’t be able to determine if you’ve achieved it or not.

2. Make a plan.

Now you know where you’re going, how do you plan to get there? Increasing performance on a test requires studying. Learning new words requires a routine. Assuming that you’ll get things done isn’t enough. There are far too many distractions and other things competing for attention. If you don’t have a plan, then you’re reducing your chances of success. Have your child sit with you to develop the plan. that way, they’ll be more invested in it.

3. Act on the plan.

Plans are useful only when we implement them. The best-laid plan will not help you if you don’t put the plan into action. So, if you plan one hour every day for studying, do that. It won’t always be easy, but stick with it until good habits are developed. Then stick with it some more. Success only comes from putting in the work.

Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. When it comes to academic support, there are many options out there, some free, some paid. You’re not alone and you can get help. Check out our Journey to SEA 2024 live streams or contact us for more information.