3 Ways to Wow Readers in Narratives

Understanding the prompt is the first step in scoring high on any writing assessment, but there are other things students need to do in order to get high marks. For narratives, there are three areas that are so important if students neglect any they’re guaranteed to fall below their target. Exceeding expectations in narratives means doing these three things exceptionally well.

Many times students write to meet the minimum requirements without even knowing it.

While the CLOG rubric breaks down a narrative into its sections, the holistic rubric looks at how all the pieces work together to create an overall amazing effect.

Help your child exceed expectations with narratives by building vocabulary, practicing technique, and enjoying the writing process.


1. Show, don’t tell

This is one of the most talked about aspects of writing stories. New writers have a tendency to talk their readers through a scene rather than sharing experiences.

“I was afraid.”
“I heard a scream.”
“She saw the book on the table.”

In each of the examples above, the writer is telling the reader what’s going on. The issue here is that the reader has to create their own experience.

That’s a problem because either the reader will think of something different from what the writer intended, or the reader will have difficulty with doing it and get bored with the story.

Let’s fix the sentences to show more.

“Fear swept through me with a sudden chill, causing my insides to churn with each heaving breath.”

“I didn’t know where the dreadful noise was coming from, but it pierced through the night into my soul.”

“The books were stacked neatly on the corner table.”

Notice that each “showing sentence” includes vivid imagery and descriptive language that aims to stir emotion in readers.

One word of caution: all sentences don’t have to be like that. Truthfully, it’s ok to tell readers things sometimes as it helps move the story along quickly and adds energy too.

The trick is to know when to show, when to show and tell, and when to tell only. That comes with practice.


2. Connect Actions

In the excitement of writing stories, many writers skip details and just go for the good parts. The problem with that is it often confuses readers.

Readers need to know how characters get from point A to point B. Readers need to know why characters are doing what they’re doing, what motivates them.

Every action has a cause, and every action has an effect. Connecting these causes with their effects helps readers make sense of what’s happening in a story.


3. Write real characters

Characters need to be believable. Even fantastical superheroes from alternate galaxies need to have characteristics and personalities that make them seem as if they could exist somewhere.

That means characters must have realistic human qualities. They must feel. They must react to the world around them in ways that are justifiable. And, they must have goals, desires, dreams. They must want something.

Of course, that is for main characters. Writers don’t have to go into detail with every character, but even side characters must bring up thoughts of real people.

So, the grocery store clerk must behave like a grocery store clerk would behave in real life. The taxi driver must talk and look like a taxi driver.

A good practice is to observe people to see what they do and say and use that as inspiration in stories.


What is The Prompt Asking For?

Analysing prompts so you’ll know what to write about.

Let’s look at the following sentences carefully.

– You won the first prize in an art competition. Write about what happened.

– You won the first prize in an art competition. Write about what happened next.

The first thing to do is to look at the content words.
Content words give information and are usually nouns and verbs. They tell us who and what. So, we know “you” “won” “prize” “competition” “write” and “happened”.

From that we can guess what we should write about – you winning a prize in a competition.

But there are other words, which we often call function words, and these add details. These words are the other parts of speech like adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions, and they help explain what part of the content words need to be focused on. So now we know it’s not just “a” prize, but the “first” prize. We also know what type of competition it is, it’s an “art” competition.

Both sentences relate to winning first prize in an art competition, but what is required for each story is different. Just the addition of a single word “next” changes where you have to focus.

The first one asks about what happened, which suggests you should write about the events leading up to winning the prize and about the experience of winning. The second one asks about what happened next, which suggests you should write about the experience of winning and the results or consequences of winning, what happened after winning.

So it’s not enough to say look at the content words or look at the function words. When analysing a prompt you should look at all the words and how they relate to each other to create meaning.

Best practice is to underline words and phrases that give information, and circle any key word that makes a significant impact on what you should focus on.

Spending 5 minutes on analysing the prompt is worth the time. Practice underlining key words and circling important focus words.

Sometimes a prompt may give you a general idea but not any specific details to focus on. For example, look at the following prompt:

Your class recently completed a “Know Your Community” tour. Write a report to your principal about the tour.

The main information given in this prompt is that the tour is around your community. Writers are not told what places were visited or anything else.

Students will have to rely on their understanding of their community or draw on what they think would be interesting in any community.

Note that the prompt is about community and not country, so the distance travelled and scope of what is shown will be on a smaller scale.

Here’s a suggestion on how to tackle this.

First, select a community to write about or create a fictional community. Then, list two or three interesting places in the community that will probably be on a tour. Tours are about fascinating places like factories and manufacturing plants, old churches or other buildings with historical significance, and monuments or landmarks.

It’s also important to note that this report is to be presented to a primary school principal, so ask yourself why your principal would want to know this information. I would wager three reasons:
1. To know how students and teachers are behaving on the tours.
2. To determine what students are learning.
3. To assess how teachers are integrating the tour into their teaching.

In order to respond effectively, then, students need select interesting stops for their tour, and keep in mind that a principal is looking for more than just the information given on the tour.

A principal would be looking at behaviour of students and teachers, as well as the outcome of a tour. Were students given follow-up assignments? Was the school represented well? Are students learning anything or is this just for fun? These are questions a principal will likely ask.

So, in analysing a prompt that doesn’t give too much details, think about the purpose of the story or report while trying to decide what details to include. It might help to list a couple questions that the person reading the report would ask. Then, write the report to answer those questions.


Understanding the Prompt

Sometimes when students approach creative writing, they’re so anxious about the process that they forget to analyse the prompt carefully. It’s not that a prompt is a trick question designed for misinterpretation, but many children get excited about certain parts of a prompt and totally miss other parts.

Let me give an example. I gave the following narrative prompt to a couple of students – “Write a story which includes the line: Playing “Among Us” with my friends online is a lot of fun, but being quarantined is no fun at all.” I was totally pleased with myself that I was hip with current events and knew the games the children are currently obsessed with. However, they all focused on the game itself and completely ignored the bit about being quarantined. What I got were stories about what happened in the game. If I had marked them on their responses, I would have to give low marks simply because they did not address all the issues mentioned in the prompt.

So, even excellent stories wouldn’t score well. Analysing report prompts help students know what type of report they’re writing, whether it’s a competition, event, activity, incident, or accident. That information influences what goes into the report, particularly the conclusion.

Prompts are there to guide the response. Some give a general direction while others give specific details that should be included. All prompts set basic parameters for the writing they’re meant to generate. Pay attention to phrases like, “what happened next” and “report on the experience.” Additionally, be careful with using words from the prompt. Remember, the prompt is just a guide to direct students on what to write. Words from the prompt should only be used if the prompt directs students to do so. Otherwise, use them only as inspiration to prepare a response.

As you work with your child to analyse prompts, look at keywords. Discuss your child’s understanding of the prompt and how they would approach it. Show them how to idenfity things that are stated plainly and things that are implied. Guide them in planning responses. That will help them keep on track with their writing, and position them for better marks.


Expository Report Writing

Report writing is different from narrative writing in some ways, but similar in others. Some of the same things which are required in narrative writing are also required in report writing.

For example, a student still has to ensure that they understand the prompt and what is being asked of them. A student also should still aim to exceed expectations in their writing in order to score 18-20 in report writing. And, students also must demonstrate an excellent command of the English language, so grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and organization should be well managed. But that’s where the similarities end between narrative writing and report writing.

Here are three aspects of report writing that must be executed to a higher than average standard for a student to score 18-20 at SEA.

1. Use of formal language.

a. Avoid casual language which includes slang and common expressions.
b. Avoid contractions and phrasal verbs.
c. Use formal structure and vocabulary.

2. Stick to the relevant facts.

a. Select facts that relate directly to the situation.
b. Avoid opinions and commenting on feelings.
c. Avoid subjective descriptions

3. Pay attention to sequencing.

a. Use appropriate transitions to connect ideas.
b. Use chronological order when relaying actions.
c. Avoid repetition or jumping too far ahead.

Overall, once students understand that a report is a concise written account of a situation submitted to a specific audience with a specific purpose in mind, they will approach it with the right attitude. And they will do well.


Let’s Get Writing

We are on the other side of SEA, and those who did the exam are now on their way to new adventures. May they face their days with courage and joy.

For those who are preparing for upcoming SEA exams, we’re here and ready to focus on our writing.

Let’s get started today with a note about what it takes to get 18-20 in Creative Writing.

  1. Understanding what the prompt is asking for.
  2. Identifying all the concepts and issues in the prompt
  3. Knowing if the prompt targets before, during, or after a situation
  4. Recognizing what to write about
  5. Exceeding the expectations for the task.
  6. Selecting a suitable response to the task
  7. Understanding what is the minimum requirement
  8. Knowing how to go beyond the minimum requirement
  9. Effectively developing setting.
  10. Deciding how much setting needs to be described
  11. Describing setting throughout the story, not just in one place
  12. Ensuring that characters interact with the setting
  13. Developing characters through dialogue and description.
  14. Paying attention to personality, attitude, and physical description
  15. Using dialogue to share information
  16. Making dialogue realistic but concise
  17. Expressing ideas in vivid description and figurative language.
  18. Giving details beyond narrating actions
  19. Working descriptions into the telling of the story
  20. Incorporating similes, metaphors, imagery, and other literary devices
  21. Skillfully developing the plot.
  22. Being confident about how the story unfolds
  23. Engaging with conflict that gets worse before it gets better
  24. Resolving the conflict in a reasonable way
  25. Demonstrating a strong command of the English language –
  26. Vocabulary
  27. Grammar
  28. Punctuation
  29. Organization (paragraphing)
  30. Spelling

Over the course of the next few weeks I will discuss what is needed in each of these categories so that you will have an idea of how to help your child.