Embracing Technology

With everything online these days, interfacing with technology can be overwhelming. However, there are some great tools out there to help you and your young writer make the most of life’s changes. A few weeks ago, we came across two apps that preteens and parents would love. Check them out and tell us what you think.

Study Bunny

There are tons of study apps out there, but this one has a special appeal that makes it great for the digital babies. The app features a lovable bunny who sits with you, studying along while you get your work done. Users can track how much time they spend on studying, monitor their productivity using the built-in To Do List, and color code subjects so they know how much time is spent studying what.

But that’s not the most awesome part. Not only does your bunny friend study with you, it encourages you by giving you coins for study time. Yup, that’s right, there’s a built-in reward system that lets users earn coins for every hour they spend studying. Coins are used to purchase items for the bunny and his little room. This kind of incentive is great because it fits in with the preteen obsession with online games. Of course, adult supervision would assist your young writer in managing time effectively, but having and using this app is definitely something that would make study time less stressful.

Luna Diary

If you’re looking for something to support your young writer in writing regularly, this is a great app to check out. When you write a journal entry, the scenery of the app grows by adding flowers and stars in the sky. Writers also fill the moon when they write. This is a quick reward system that makes writing interesting and provides an incentive for continuing. There are several themes to choose from, so it’s not all about flowers and stars. Consider using one or both of these apps and let us know how it works out for you.

Also, comment below if there are other apps you know of that would be helpful to parents and young writers.
