Context Clues

After looking at figurative language last week, you probably realize that sometimes words don’t follow the rules. Even if you have a dictionary and can look up the definition of a word, you could still have a hard time figuring out what the word means in a reading passage. Enter “context clues” to save the day. This post explains what context clues are, how they help readers decipher the meaning of words and phrases without a dictionary or outside help, and how to get others using context clues effectively.

When we read, we sometimes come across words we don’t know. This is a great way to build vocabulary, especially if you have the internet or a dictionary at hand to tell you the meaning of the new word.

But we don’t always have that luxury, especially during an exam. It can be intimidating when we’re asked “What’s the meaning of X-Word” and that’s the first time you’ve seen “X-Word.” Some readers shut down, some panic, and the meaning of the passage is lost, all because of one word.

Sometimes, however, writers are aware that they’re using words readers might not be familiar with, and they helps us out by giving us clues to the meaning of the word right there in the passage. These clues are called Context Clues because they’re found in the context of the passage.

The thing to remember about context clues is that they’re not always in the same place.

Some context clues are found within the same sentence as the new word.

Some are found in the sentences before or after the one with the new word.

You can even figure out the meaning of a word by thinking about how the word is used in the sentence, whether it’s a noun or verb or adjective.

The trick is to always remember that context clues exist. Once children remember that they can get help with vocabulary words right there in the passage they’re reading, they won’t feel as anxious when they come across a new word. It’s all about building confidence by teaching strategies.

There are different types of context clues, and one way to remember them is to think of them as AIDES. Since context clues aide our understanding of meaning in a passage, this acronym is a good fit.

A – Antonyms. Sometimes, writers give us the opposite meaning of the word. Example: Our new teacher is cranky and unapproachable, but our last teacher was affable. The word ‘but’ indicates contrast, so we know affable is the opposite of cranky and unapproachable.

I – Inference. Sometimes the meaning of word is implied and meaning is derived from reading the sentences before and after. Example: My blouse is torn. When I pulled it over my head, it got caught on my earrings. In this sentence, there’s an explanation of how a blouse is used so you can guess it’s something you wear like a shirt.

D – Definition. Example: Sedentary individuals, people who are not very active, often have poor health. In that sentence, the word sedentary is defined. Usually, definitions are put within commas, or come after words such as ‘refer’, ‘be called’, ‘may be seen as’, or ‘which is’.

E – Example. Sometimes an example of the word is given, and this helps in figuring out what the word means. Example: She likes contact sports; for example rugby, football, and martial arts. From the examples given, we can guess that contact sports are those in which players get into physical contact with each other.

S – Synonyms. Sometimes writers use other words that have similar meaning to the new word. Example: Elephants are enormous. They are the largest land mammals. In this case another, more familiar word is used the same way the word enormous is used. By looking at the two sentences, we can guess that ‘largest’ means something similar to ‘enormous.’ They are synonyms, so ‘enormous’ would mean something large. 

The main thing with teaching context clues, is to get children to understand that there is help with figuring out the meaning of new words. Many children get anxious when they meet words they don’t know, and don’t even try to figure them out. They either ask someone to give them the definition, or they check their dictionary, or they give up and skip the word altogether.

So, when teaching context clues, let children know that this isn’t a test in itself, but a way to help them when they’re reading and doing comprehension questions. Explain that “I don’t know” is not a suitable answer to “what does that word mean”. They should always try to figure out the meaning for themselves before checking the dictionary or asking for help.

One way to make this fun is to make it a game. Whenever doing comprehension exercises or reading and children come across a word they don’t know see who can figure it out first. Keep a tally of points and at the end of a set time period, the person who gets the most points wins. There need not be a tangible reward, just bragging rights as the person who figures out context clues.

As an added incentive to get everyone involved, have them work in groups and the group gets the points only when everyone has the correct answer. Make it so that the same person can’t always give the answer, and every time an answer is given it must be accompanied by “I figured out that meaning because…” So the person giving the definition must say how they came up with the answer.

For those students who are tactile learners, you can work ahead and identify words in the passage that may be challenging. Write or print easier synonyms that the children would know. Give them the synonyms and let them know that while reading they may come across words they don’t know. The meanings are on the slips and the context clues would help them know which words are the right ones to substitute. This gives students something to manipulate and move around while they’re reading.

The more children use context clues, the more at ease they will become with using them. This means such exercises should be done often. Skill development in this area is essential for faster reading, better comprehension, and reduced anxiety. 


In a previous post, we shared five different types of comprehension questions following one approach. Here’s another comprehension strategy called Q-A-R which helps readers decipher what their role is in answering different types of questions. Q-A-R stands for Question-Answer-Relationship, and identifies four types of questions in two categories.

Category 1 – Answers are in the passage

* Right-There Questions: Answers are stated directly in the passage.

* Think & Search Questions: Answers are stated in the passage, but not all in one place. Readers must piece the information together to fully answer the question.

Category 2 – Answers are in the reader’s head

* Author & Me Questions: Author gives clues to the answers, which must be combined with the reader’s knowledge in order to arrive at a complete answer to the question.

*On My Own Questions: Answers are based on the reader’s knowledge of the passage and previous knowledge of the topic the passage is written about, and are completely created by the reader.

Category 1 questions are usually straightforward and typically easier to answer, while Category 2 questions require more critical and creative thinking.

Right-There Questions usually ask for identification of Who, What, Where, or When. Sometimes, even How or Why can be found directly in the passage. An easy way to find answers for these types of questions is to use key words from the question to guide where the answer is.

For example:
Give one detail about the trip that the writer enjoyed, even though it rained.

Another way to phrase this question is: What did the writer enjoy about the trip, even though it rained?

Key words in this question are: enjoyed, trip, rained. Chances are that you would find one or more of these words directly in the passage. The answer will usually be near where you find those key words…either in the same sentence, or in a sentence before or after.

Other similar questions:
1. Where did the fairies come from?
2. Who brought the magic wand?
3. When was Tania’s birthday?
4. How did Andy open the box?
5. Why did Little Red Riding Hood go to Grandma’s house?

These types of questions often ask for you to put information in your own words. In order to answer them effectively, you will need to read the passage to find relevant information. Many times, these questions ask Why or How and you will need to put together details from many areas in the passage to formulate a response.

For example:
How is Richard’s behavior enthusiastic?

This question calls for two things. First, it calls for an understanding of the word ‘enthusiastic’, then it calls for gathering details about Richard’s behavior to support the idea that it was enthusiastic.

Most likely, details of Richard’s behavior are not all in one place. You will have to read the passage and collect examples of his behavior that fit with the idea of being enthusiastic. Then, you’ll need to present that information in your answer.

Here are other examples of these types of questions:
1. How did the main character find out about the villain?
2. What caused the city to lose hope in the hero?
3. Find 2 examples in the passage that show the villain thought he was doing the right thing.
4. Summarize the passage.
5. How did the hero overcome the villain?

These questions often ask readers to put themselves in the position of the writers or authors, and speculate about the story, characters, and language used.

For example:
What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

This question asks for the reader to consider what the writer’s intentions were, and use information from the passage to support an information about the message the writer conveyed.

Take a look at a few other questions of this type:
1. Why did the writer use the phrase “lost to the world” in paragraph 1?
2. The passage says that Cindy was unhappy at her new school. What can she do to make herself feel better?

Many of these types of questions ask readers to give their opinions or recommendations, and even express how they feel about characters or situations in the passage. Readers can even attempt these questions without reading the passage, although they may miss vital points if they do that because opinions are based on what the passage contained.

For example:
Do you think if the villain apologized for his actions, that the hero would forgive him?

It is likely that nothing in the passage would help you answer that question. You must use your experience and understanding of the type of person the hero is, based on how the passage portrays him, to answer the question on your own.

Other questions of this type can typically take the following forms:
1. Do you feel any sympathy for the villain?
2. Do you think the villain would have been evil if his classmates had been nicer to him when he was in secondary school?
3. The villain wanted to capture the hero, not harm him. What could be some reasons for that?
4. If you were the hero, what would you recommend happen to the villain after capturing him?
5. Do you believe the villain and the hero are fighting for the same reasons?

Understanding Poetic Language

Understanding poetry takes more than just knowing the words. That’s because writers use many different techniques to express ideas and feelings in poems. For some people, recognizing the abstract and figurative language is a challenge.

Here are five tips for understanding and analyzing poems that you can use and share with your child.

1. Read through the poem to get the general idea of what’s going on. Ask yourself, “What is the poem about?” Note the subject of the poem. See what is being discussed or shared.

2. Next, think about the title of the poem. Does the title give you an idea of what the poem is about? Note the connection between the title and the rest of the poem. See if the title helps with understanding what the poem is about.

3. Then ask yourself who’s telling the poem. Note whether the speaker is involved in the poem, or telling the poem like a narrator. See if you can get any clues about the speaker in the poem. Think about things like personality, attitude, and age.

4. Now you can think about the language of the poem. Go through the poem again and identify where the writer uses figurative language. Label the techniques used. Is it personification? Is it visual or tactile imagery? Is it a metaphor or simile? Remember that poetic language is used for a purpose. The author is trying to convey an emotion or an idea with words. This means thinking about the author’s intention will help you. So ask yourself why the author used that particular technique. Why not something else? What is the important idea that you must understand in this part of the poem?

5. Once you’ve gotten an idea of what each of the techniques convey, replace the figurative language with the explanation. Read the poem again with your explanations to get a better understanding of the meaning of the poem and the ideas the writer is sharing.

After doing all of that, you can now discuss the poem with more confidence. You’ll be able to comment on the techniques used, the ‘speaker’ in the poem, and the ideas or emotions the poem is sharing. From there you’ll also be able to talk about why you think the author wrote the poem the way it was written.

This type of analysis is a process that gets easier with time, so read poetry and practice it often.


Knowing where to start is a challenge all writers face. Young writers, especially, often go straight to the excitement and underestimate the value of the beginning. Introductions are important because they generate interest in readers and give them context, all the while building anticipation about what’s to come.

To help your young writer create effective introductions, ask them to think about the introduction as having five parts. First, they must hook the reader with an enticing first line. Then, they must transition to who the story is about. Then, they must move on to explain what the situation is. Then, they must tell readers where all this is happening. Finally, they must hint at impending trouble.

That order works well in most situations, but the list can be reordered to suit how the writer wants to develop the story. The only things that don’t change are the location of the hook and that all the elements mentioned must come in the introduction. Practicing first lines and introductions is important because, as the saying goes, you never get a second chance at a first impression.

So, don’t leave young writers guessing about what to do. Show your young writer that there are different strategies for hooking the readers’ attention and allow them to practice. Remind them to include description from the onset, especially when introducing characters and setting. And above all, encourage them to build excitement along the way.
