Lie #6 – I Have Writer’s Block

Some of the best lies are the ones which have a grain of truth. They are the ones which you’re hard-pressed to dispute because there’s often a quick come-back which reminds you of the validity which exists within the lie.

This lie, “I have writer’s block”, is one of those. It’s like playing two lies and a truth.

  • The lie is that when writers claim that their “writing” is blocked, quite often they can write many other things, just not what they want to write. As a result, they’re not really experiencing a “block” in writing but a hindrance with writing a particular thing.
  • The lie is that writer’s block is not a condition or disease that needs to be treated. It’s actually a symptom of other issues and the only way to get past it is to figure out the underlying issues and address those.
  • The truth is, there are many things which can “block” a writer from completing a writing task.
To get to the bottom of all of this, let’s define what some writers experience when they identify themselves as having writer’s block.

Writer’s block refers to a creative slowdown or inability to produce new written work, and it can be quite frustrating and demotivating. When experiencing writer’s block, individuals may find it challenging to generate ideas, articulate their thoughts, or make progress on their writing projects.

Writer’s block can manifest differently for each person. Some common experiences include:

  1. The inability to start writing or feeling stuck at the beginning of a piece.
  2. A diminished sense of creativity or difficulty finding new ideas.
  3. Frequently delaying writing tasks or finding distractions instead of focusing on writing.
  4. Feeling uncertain about one’s writing abilities or constantly criticizing one’s work.
  5. Striving for perfection and being overly critical of one’s writing, leading to paralysis.
  6. Being afraid of producing subpar work or facing rejection, resulting in avoidance of completing a writing task.
  7. Feeling mentally exhausted or unable to concentrate on completing a particular writing task due to stress or other factors.

As noted earlier, writer’s block is a symptom of various issues, including high expectations, pressure to produce exceptional work, personal or professional stress, lack of motivation, fear of criticism, or simply running out of creative energy. These experiences can happen to anyone and do not represent lack of talent or writing ability.

Returning to writing and completing a writing task can be supported through several strategies. Here are a few you may want to consider if you’re experiencing writer’s block.

  1. Freewriting: Setting aside dedicated time to write without worrying about the quality or outcome, allowing thoughts to flow freely. Feel free to use guided prompts to assist with the freewriting and help get the writing flowing again.
  2. Setting realistic goals: Breaking down writing tasks into smaller, manageable steps to make progress and build momentum. This reduces the overwhelm, especially when these tasks are scheduled so that you know when and how they’ll get done.
  3. Changing the environment: Writing in a different location or adjusting the physical surroundings to create a fresh and inspiring atmosphere. This could include going to a coffee shop or library rather than writing at home.
  4. Seeking inspiration: Engaging in activities that spark creativity, such as reading books, exploring new experiences, or brainstorming with others. You can even watch a movie or use a photo as a stimulus to activate creative thinking.
  5. Establishing a routine: Creating a consistent writing schedule and sticking to it, even if the initial output feels challenging. This is one of the best ways to address what’s causing writer’s block because it trains your brain to write at certain times and that habit makes it possible to keep writing.
  6. Embracing imperfection: Accepting that the first draft does not have to be perfect and allowing for revisions and improvements later. Editing is part of the writing process and recognizing this frees you from delays caused by second-guessing writing as it’s being produced.
  7. Taking breaks: Stepping away from writing temporarily to engage in other activities, relax, and recharge. This can be as simple as taking a walk or stretching, or may even include taking a short vacation.
  8. Seeking support: Connecting with fellow writers, joining writing groups, or seeking feedback from trusted individuals who can offer encouragement and constructive criticism. Being part of a community is one of the best ways to build and maintain a habit of writing.

Remember that everyone’s writing  journey is unique, and it may take time and experimentation to find the strategies that work best for you. The key is to persevere and keep writing, even if progress feels slow at times.

So don’t just diagnose yourself as having writer’s block. In fact, don’t use that term at all. Get straight to the point and identify what you’re actually experiencing so that you can find the best way to work through it and get back to completing your writing tasks.

And, as always, happy writing.

Lie #5 – I Need an Original Idea

The thought of having a new and original idea keeps many authors up at night. They want something fresh and exciting that will take the world by storm, thinking this is the way to become popular and widely read. The truth is, however, just as the biblical author wrote in Ecclesiastes hundreds of years ago, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun” (Chapter 1, verse 9).

Let’s bring it closer to modern times. Mark Twain, a celebrated American author, is also quoted as saying, “We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope.” He explained that because of the variety of combinations, the old ideas seem to be new but they’re all just “the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.”

“Surely,” I can imagine you saying, “this was before the amazing advancement of technology and AI so these writers didn’t know what they were saying!”

Well, let’s consider that for a moment.

What are all these new tools and gadgets meant to do? When you think about it, what you end up with is this: they solve the same issues and accomplish the same things as before, perhaps just faster and more efficiently.

So, an electric or solar powered vehicle is still a means to move from one place to another. The modern cell phone is still a means for human beings to communicate with each other, whether it is to send or receive data.

The point is this: even though the packaging is different, the core of the matter is that what we’ll be using the innovation for has not changed.

And that’s not a bad thing.

In fact, it’s actually a good thing because at the center of all writing is an author sharing something with a reader. That reader, being human, has feelings and ideas of their own which are being supported or challenged by what they’re reading. The best way to stir a human being is to get to the middle of who they are…which has been and will continue to be the same for generations.

If you’re still not convinced, think about the Hallmark Christmas movies, or any movie on the Lifetime Network. They are formulaic to the point of predictability…and the people who watch them don’t care! We [yes, WE] know it and watch them still once the acting is good and the visuals are great.

You see, it’s not really the idea that has to be original or different. Readers have their own expectations of how stories should unfold, and those who read a lot can tell you from the beginning where a story is going, even if they’ve not read the story before. But guess what? They’re going to read it anyway, to confirm their suspicions or find out if there’s going to be a twist or surprise at the end.

What’s more, if you select a genre and deviate too much from expectations of readers your book will not be anywhere near the best seller’s lists. Many readers will be confused, reviews will reflect that, and only the brave will venture into the pages to find out for themselves.

Your job as a writer is not to convince a reader that your idea is innovative (unless that’s what your book is about, and in that case, good luck). 

Your job as a writer is to educate readers about the selected topic or to entertain them.

Your idea doesn’t have to be original in order to entertain someone. And it doesn’t have to be original in order to educate someone. There are lots of people who have not been exposed to the ideas you want to share the way you want to share them.

All readers want to see is your perspective.

That’s it.

So stop thinking about making your book original and different. Start thinking about how to get your book done.

And, as always, happy writing.

Answering Inferential Questions

Good afternoon everyone, while I was reviewing the information on Literal and Implied meaning, I came across some additional details that might help some of you with imparting the knowledge to your children or students.

In a previous post, I discussed implied meaning. In this one, the focus is on inferential questions. Some people may think that the two are completely different, and may become confused with how they are used interchangeably with reading comprehension. So, let me state it clearly:

Authors imply meaning. This means the author is giving information to suggest something without stating it outright.

Readers infer meaning. This means that the reader is looking at the words and expressions used in order to come to conclusions that are not stated outright.

So, these two terms are two sides of the same coin. The person presenting the information implies ideas, and the person receiving the information infers ideas.

There are generally four types of inferential questions which will be explained further in this post. Below are some examples:

Example Text
The scientist knew that if she left the plants in the outside tank, they would most likely freeze. She made her way out of the building.

What will the scientist likely do next?

The scientist will most likely take the plants from the tank outside and put them in the building.

Example Text
Jeff looked in all directions and trembled as he made his way through the empty building. He grabbed the doorknob and walked cautiously into the room.

How do you think Jeff was feeling? OR How does the reader know Jess was afraid?

Jeff was afraid because he was trembling, looked in all directions, and cautiously entered the room.
Readers know Jeff was afraid because the text says he was trembling, he looked in all directions, and he cautiously entered the room.

Example Text
Monarch butterflies are picky eaters that only eat milkweed. Because of that, many perish after their annual migration. Each year, thousands of Monarch butterflies travel to warmer areas to breed. When they return home months later, there is less food to eat due to habitat loss and the destruction of milkweed by humans.

Why are there fewer monarchs today?

Monarch butterflies only eat one kind of food, and when that food is gone, there is nothing for them to eat. Their food is being destroyed and there is less for them to eat, so there are few butterflies to reproduce.

Example Text
Kena liked watching the team practice. She also knew if she stayed in the locker room, she would see Hattie. Kena tried her best to stay out of Hattie’s way because Hattie asked a lot of embarrassing questions and could be mean sometimes. Kena decided to leave.

Why did Kena most likely want to leave?

Kena most likely wanted to avoid seeing Hattie because she didn’t like being around Hattie.

The information in this post was taken from one of the free resources offered at

Lie #4: I’ll Get Started Tomorrow

The most believable lies are the ones with a measure of truth in them. When we get the urge and inspiration to write, but we’ve already scheduled every minute of the day on other things, it’s quite feasible to say “I’ll do it tomorrow.” I mean, it’s not reasonable to leave work to go and write, or to blow off a friend to go and write, or to postpone a meeting to go and write.

Seriously, we’re busy people! It’s not that we don’t want to write. It’s just physically impossible because of all our other commitments. Tomorrow will just have to do.

Then we forget, or tomorrow gets filled with activities as well, and we say to ourselves, “Maybe over the weekend.”

Then the weekend comes and we’re tired, uninspired, and distracted by other things. So no writing…again. No worries, you’ll get to it tomorrow…or some day.

Guess what, just like the elusive pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, tomorrow and someday never come. They will always be somewhere ahead of you in the distance. What’s really happening is that a little voice inside of us is succumbing to our anxiety about writing, and it wants to protect us from the distress we feel is sure to come. So, it creates feasible excuses to give us a way out. And we take them. With heavy sighs of relief we dodge another bullet.

So how exactly do you get started when you’re working against yourself like this?

I’ll tell you what I did: set aside time for writing, give it a name, and honor it.

The problem with saying tomorrow or some day, is that those concepts are not specific. They are arbitrary spaces in time that have no fixed connections. When you set aside time for writing, state the day, the start time, and the duration.

When I decided to write, I set aside the time in my google calendar and I wrote it down in my schedule: 9 am to 11 am, Tuesday, June 12 – Write Article for Blog. (INSERT LINK)

Ok, so full confession here, I make lists and I schedule everything…and it has been working for me, so I encourage you to try it for yourself.

There are many activities vying for importance in life, and sometimes it’s difficult to choose which ones get to the top and which ones get done. Making lists and prioritizing help me keep track of things, but it is scheduling that really helps me get things done.

I don’t know about you, but I’m the forgetful sort. Writing things down creates something tangible I can get back to that keeps me focused.

In addition to setting a date, time, and what you’re working on, it’s also useful to set a target or a goal for the session. If you’re working on a book, then setting an achievable word count is useful. This, of course, would be part of an overall schedule that lets you set a target date for completion of your book.

For example, if your book is to be about 70,000 words and you average you can write about 2,000 words in a 3-hour session, then that gives you an idea of how many sessions you’ll need to complete that book. One estimate is 35 sessions, and you’ll also need to add in time for research and days when you write less than 2,000. 

This means you can safely allocate 45 sessions to complete your first draft.

That kind of thinking gives you purpose and direction.

If you’re blogging, you can estimate perhaps two to three blogs per session, depending on the length and depth of your blogs. There’ll also be days for research and planning so that you’ll know what to write on when you sit at your computer.

If you’re a free spirit and you’re worried about the drawbacks of getting caught up in a schedule, don’t be afraid. The trick to not becoming a slave to a schedule is to be calm when unexpected things crop up.

You still have the flexibility to make snap decisions, move things around, and do what works for you. It took me a while to get the balance right, and I’m not sure I’m quite there yet. There are days when writing turns into research and word count doesn’t go up by much. But there are also days when word count shoots up due to dots being connected. So have a little patience, but keep plodding on.

I struggled with many of the lies on this countdown, and I postponed my writing for more than a decade (yes, there are projects going into double digits as I write this blog).

It’s only recently I decided to let go of the anxiety and just write. I changed my song from Tomorrow to Set It All Free (queue shameless movie reference for Sing).

In business and project management we’re told to make goals SMART – Specific, Measurable,  Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. When it comes to getting yourself off the couch and at your typewriter (metaphorically speaking for most of us), being SMART is also quite useful.

What we’ve discussed in this article fits completely into that SMART outline.

Specific – How many words are you aiming for today? What are you writing on? It’s not enough to simply have a “writing time” but you want to be specific about what you’re writing during each session. This should be decided ahead of time so that you can maximize on the actual writing time.

Measurable – Give a specific word count or objective. 2,000 words. 2 blog articles. Always set targets so that you can gauge your progress. And have compassion with yourself. Not all days will be 2,000 word days.

Attainable – Set word counts that are manageable for you. While it might be awesome to imagine writing 7,000 words a session, that is not achievable for most writers. Aim for something that can easily be accomplished so you can get dopamine from a job completed.

Relevant – It must be said. If you’re working on a novel, then writing a blog during your writing time isn’t going to help the novel get done. Schedule another time for your blog. 

Time-bound – Schedule the beginning and end times of sessions, set target completion dates for the projects you’re working on, and be consistent with your efforts. When you schedule writing time, it’s useful to set aside the same days and times each week so that your brain gets into the habit of writing during the allocated sessions. That is the best way to train the writer in you.

So, stop thinking about what can be done tomorrow and get it together to start writing today, and every other day you can schedule.

As always, happy writing.

How to Spot Literal or Implied Meaning

Good evening everyone, so far in our comprehension series, we’ve looked at different types of comprehension questions, reading and writing as communication, purpose, main ideas, and topics. In this post, we’ll be looking at literal versus implied meaning.


For many students, when a question asks for literal interpretation of the text, it’s easy to find the answers. A quick skim of the text for key words from the question usually yields the correct answer.

Literal questions require answers that are facts found in the reading, and are concrete ideas that are either correct or incorrect. One can simply check the reading to see what the answer is or should be.

These questions often ask for specific details such as names, dates, locations, and actions.

– Where did Sandra go to eat lunch?

– What was the name of Henry’s pet cat?

– Who did Idris call when he got home?

When we talk about literal meaning, we’re referring to information that is given directly, with specific words. There is no room for interpretation, no guessing, since the answers are clearly stated in the text.


When questions ask for implied meaning, however, many students become confused because the information is no longer straight forward. They’re required to think about the words they see and come up with plausible responses.

The most important thing to remember about implied meaning, is that while the meaning cannot be found directly stated in the text, it must be supported by information in the text. So even though there may be different interpretations to a response, evidence must be provided to support the perspective taken.

As a result, some interpretations would be more valid, logical, and plausible than others. The merit of a response is judged by how well-supported it is.

These types of questions often include the words infer, implied, suggest, conclude, think, and why.

– What does the writer imply about Leanna’s intentions in paragraph 4?

– What can you conclude about D’jhon’s feelings toward his father?

– What time of year do you think it is?

Readers encounter two types of meaning in texts – literal and implied. Literal meaning is stated outright and leaves no doubt what the writer intended. Implied meaning is more subtle and is subject to various interpretations, but must be supported by details in the text.

When meaning is implied, students must make educated guesses based on the details found in the text. To do that, students must make connections between the literal information presented by the writer and previous knowledge, then draw conclusions.

Generating effective responses to inferential questions means mastering the following:

Inferring supporting details – guessing additional facts the writer could have included to make the reading more interesting

Inferring main idea – identifying main idea when not stated

Inferring sequence – guessing what happened before an action, between two stated actions, or after an action

Inferring comparisons – identifying similarities and differences in characters, places, or eras.

Inferring cause and effect – speculating about motives and intentions of characters

Inferring character traits – guessing about the nature of a character based on stated behaviors

Predicting outcomes – guessing the outcome of a text after reading only a part of it

Inferring figurative language – guessing literal meanings from figurative language


  1. Present students with an object they’re not familiar with. Ask them to guess what it’s used for. Then, present another object that is used together with the first, and ask student to guess the connection between the two. Finally, show students how the first object is used with the second object.

    Use objects students can safely manipulate. For example an egg separator and an egg; an apple corer and apple; garlic press and garlic; shoe horn and shoe.
  2. Write simple sentences with one word replaced with the word ‘cucumber’ or any other word of choice.

    For example: A dog has four cucumbers.
    Ask the students to change the word cucumber for a more appropriate word. As they share responses, ask what word gave them a clue about what would best replace cucumber. Follow up that discussion by asking the students to relate the clue word to their background experiences and to explain what background information helped them find the best substitute word.
  3. Use television advertisements for discussion. Watch the advertisement and critically analyse why each image or action was used. Ask questions like: What are the advertisers trying to get you to buy? How is that action meant to encourage you to buy the product?

    Use advertisements for food, laundry detergent, car insurance, mobile services.

(Adapted from various sources. Inquire if you’re interested in further reading.)

When responding to an inferential question, it is important to include reasons for the answer. Many students neglect to include sufficient reasons for their answer and thus lose marks in comprehension exams.

One strategy for ensuring that questions are answered sufficiently is PEE. Students will get a kick out of being reminded to PEE when answering inferential questions. This system was originally designed for lengthy responses to literary questions, but functions quite effectively at this level as well.

P = Point
E = Evidence
E = Explanation

Point – What is the inference you’ve made in response to the question? What’s your point?

Evidence – What in the text led you to come to this conclusion? Give one or two details as evidence. These details are explicitly stated in the text.

Explanation – How are the details connected to the point? What about the details that caused you to make the inference?

The word ‘because’ is used quite frequently in these types of responses, but isn’t the only format that can be used.

* Harry is angry at his father because he … (insert evidence).

* The writer implies that…(insert conclusion)…in the statement…(insert evidence)…

* Readers can infer… (insert conclusion)…from…(insert evidence)…

NOTE: For SEA, students will not be required to give a detailed written explanation, however it is important for them to understand the connection as it would assist them in adequately supporting their answers. This technique is valuable throughout a student’s academic career, and can be used at CSEC, and university.