Lie #10 – I need to build a brand first

One of the greatest fears of new and emerging authors is that they’re unknown.

We often think that the only reason readers pick up books to purchase is because they know the writer and therefore know what to expect.

As you read that line, however, I’m sure you’re already thinking that it’s an obvious lie. But you’d be surprised at how this thought gets embedded in our minds and keeps us back from really getting our books out there.

These thoughts are closely related to “nobody wants to read my writing anyway” because they focus on us as writers and not on the content we’re producing. The idea that readers pick up books because of the people who write them often stems from the publicity that established writers like Stephen King and J. K. Rowling get over their books.

But when they got started they were unknown too. On top of that, J. K. Rowling famously got rejected by many publishing houses before Harry Potter made it to the hands of readers. It was the writing, the content of the book and how it appealed to readers, that got these authors noticed.

This is especially true for nonfiction writers who think that in order to get books sold they have to be an authority on the subject. The thing is, however, it’s actually the other way around.

In fact, it’s a well known fact in the business world that a book is going to get you noticed and established as an authority in your subject matter. And, it’ll bring in some cash too. Check any well-known guru in any field and you’ll notice they are authors. Some have one book, and most have several books. Most of them published their books early, as they were establishing themselves, and the books helped catapult them to the status they now enjoy.

There’s something about the printed word that gets people noticing you. These days, that extends to digital copies, as ebooks and audio-books are gaining popularity. When readers see things looking professional, they tend to pause and check it out.

You could be completely unknown, and when your book comes out everyone gets to know about you because of your book.

A brand isn’t necessary for publishing. In fact, it’s your book that will help you build your brand.

What causes readers to notice a book is the cover and the blurb. Walking past a shelf in a bookstore, a book stands out because of the cover. The colors, the layout, the font style and wording. These are the things which make a reader reach out and pick up a book. Then, the blurb on the back cover which gives a synopsis and entices the reader to continue reading is what makes them take the book to the cash register and make the purchase.

And when the content of your book gets the reader talking and sharing about how great the book was, that’s what’s going to get you continued attention and purchases.

The truth is that books don’t just sell themselves. Readers need to learn about the books through marketing and testimonials. Publishing a book is only one part of the process, then you need to get about showcasing the book and getting readers to purchase.

So don’t fall victim to the idea that you need to be well known in your genre, niche, or industry to think about writing a book. Write your book to become well known in your genre, niche, or industry.

Document your thoughts and share them with the world because someone out there needs to read what you’re sharing. Remember that.

And, as always, happy writing.

Lie #9 – I’ll finish this after…(insert your latest obsession)

Distractions are everywhere and there is study after study lamenting the woes of waning attention spans. But you’re a writer and you’re working on your manuscript, so you can’t afford to be distracted unnecessarily.

Except that all your “distractions” can’t really be counted as distractions, right? I mean, they’re legitimate reasons you can’t work on your manuscript right now.

Your boss needs these documents ASAP. Your friend’s birthday party is a significant event you can’t miss at all. You’re exhausted after such a long day at work and you absolutely need your rest. Besides, you’ve got a new topic and focus to explore, so you’ll have to table this current bit of writing to make sure you’re working on the best idea. It makes sense to not be writing and to continue researching and figuring out what you really want to write.

Any of those sound familiar to you? I’ve been there with all of them…and many more. Those statements, and others like them, reflect the fact that life happens around us all the time and we have other commitments besides our writing to get done.

Am I saying that because you decided to write a book you have to blow off your friend’s birthday party to be writing instead? Of course not, but if you keep focusing on everything else besides your writing, then guess what? Writing will not get done.

Then there’s the obsession with research and the “better ideas” that keep coming at us. Sometimes it feels like as soon as we get settled into a concept or direction, a newer and more exciting idea comes along.

Have you ever heard of “shiny new thing syndrome”? Some people call it “Shiny Object Syndrome” and it’s not really coincidental that the acronym spells SOS. 

For many writers, when we get started on a project, we are completely and thoroughly motivated by the excitement of the ideas we’re writing about. Exploring a subject matter feels fresh and scenes almost write themselves. But any book beyond a couple pages soon turns into a laborious process as we slug away, creating worlds or explaining concepts.

When details have to be checked and rationalized, and when the writing project isn’t so new anymore, motivation often wanes and writing slows down. Many times, it slows down to a complete stop, and we lose momentum with our writing.

Then something else pops up, looking exciting and we feel motivated to pay attention to that other thing. Somewhere at the back of our minds we tell ourselves that the book could wait a few minutes and we move on “temporarily” to something else.

Then that thing loses its shine and another new and shinier thing pops up. And the cycle repeats itself.

This is where discipline comes in. 

Truth be told, motivation is overrated. It’s great for getting started, but it’s not what will keep you going and certainly not the thing that will help you finish. The problem with motivation is that it depends on stimulus or inspiration – remember that word from Lie #2?

Motivation is a feeling that’s described as “enthusiasm for doing something”. That enthusiasm is what gives reason and purpose to actions. It stirs something within us that rallies our energy to keep legs moving, concentration going, and fingers writing away.

But it’s not a permanent state. It ebbs and flows, which is not a recipe for success.

And what happens when it ebbs? We lose focus. We get discouraged. We lose momentum.

…and we try desperately to find something that motivates us again when what we really need is discipline to continue going when the motivation fades.

Discipline is all about control, about order, and about keeping at it even when you don’t feel like keeping at it. Discipline is where art meets science when it comes to writing. When we have discipline with our writing, we move with intention and we’re able to create writing schedules and keep on writing even when there’s no inspiration or motivation.

Discipline also helps us with the distractions and the shiny new things that threaten to interrupt our writing because with discipline we can put systems and structures in place to deal with challenges. With discipline we will build and maintain healthy habits.

With discipline we create the framework for success.

So don’t allow distractions to get you into the mindset that your writing can wait. Work on establishing a disciplined approach so that you can complete your manuscript and get published.

Motivation and inspiration are great starting points, but remember, it’s discipline that really gets you to where you need to be.

And, as always, happy writing.

Creating your Future

This week is preparation week as many parents and children get ready to head back out to school. For most, it means a new class, and for quite a few, an entirely new environment. Some children, and parents, are anxious about the new academic year. Having anxiety is natural, after all, none of us know what’s going to happen in the future. We can only do our best and live with hope. So don’t be anxious about the future, create it.

A number of people are credited for saying, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Great minds like Abraham Lincoln and Peter Drucker. Wherever the quote came from, there is wisdom in those words. Here are three things you can do to reduce anxiety, and guarantee success.

1. Set goals.

It’s difficult to get somewhere if you don’t know where you’re going. So, decide what you want to accomplish, and write it down. For children, goals might be to get 90% in my next report card, or increase my overall score by 20%, or even something simple like learn to spell 5 new words every week. The main thing to remember about setting goals is that you want to be specific. If you’re not specific, then you won’t be able to determine if you’ve achieved it or not.

2. Make a plan.

Now you know where you’re going, how do you plan to get there? Increasing performance on a test requires studying. Learning new words requires a routine. Assuming that you’ll get things done isn’t enough. There are far too many distractions and other things competing for attention. If you don’t have a plan, then you’re reducing your chances of success. Have your child sit with you to develop the plan. that way, they’ll be more invested in it.

3. Act on the plan.

Plans are useful only when we implement them. The best-laid plan will not help you if you don’t put the plan into action. So, if you plan one hour every day for studying, do that. It won’t always be easy, but stick with it until good habits are developed. Then stick with it some more. Success only comes from putting in the work.

Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. When it comes to academic support, there are many options out there, some free, some paid. You’re not alone and you can get help. Check out our Journey to SEA 2024 live streams or contact us for more information.

Lie #8 – My Writing Needs to Be Perfect

As an editor, the idea of getting writing to be “perfect” is always at the back of my mind. When it comes to my own writing, perfectionism is one of the most debilitating ideologies that plagues me. Notice I didn’t say “used to plague me”. Even as I write this article there are parts of me that cringe at the thought of publishing these blogs and getting my thoughts and ideas “out there”.

When it comes to a manuscript I’m editing, there’s an internal obsession with reading and rereading that has me scouring over sentences and paragraphs like someone possessed. It works out great for the authors I work with, yet the anxiety of “what if I missed something” keeps me up at night.

And in our modern world of cancel culture and grammar nazis, there’s no wonder over the idea of a writer scrambling to get writing to be “perfect”. It’s expected that a writer would do everything humanly possible to ensure that their writing is error free. No writer wants to be called out for misspellings or punctuation out of place, or even worse, an ill conceived idea or description. 

Negative Amazon reviews can be crippling to sales…and egos.

There’s always something to change. There’s always something that “should” have been said differently or explored more. But this is a problem that needs to be addressed because it stops many writers from sharing their wisdom and creativity with the world.

At this point, I can almost hear the protests from the perfectionists reading this article (actually, I hear the protests quite clearly coming from my own mind). Thoughts of “sloppy writing” and “sloppy articles” and self-publishing being the bane of the writing world because it allows “anyone” to put “anything” out there.

Here’s the thing, there’s a writing process for a reason.

Part of that writing process is reviewing and editing a manuscript. This review and editing process has several steps which include checks and balances, second and third pairs of eyes to help evaluate and catch mistakes. The key is to see this as a natural part of the writing process so that you’re able to put the right systems in place.

Then you just have to let it go.

Yes, I know, that’s the kind of statement that can get a perfectionist twitching and dismissing everything else that comes afterward as heresy. But bear with me.

While it’s natural to strive for excellence and produce high-quality work, aiming for perfection can be counterproductive. Here are five reasons why perfectionism in writing and being published is not helpful:

  1. Perfection is subjective: Perfection is a highly subjective concept, and what one person perceives as perfect may not be the same for another. Writing, like any art form, is open to interpretation and personal preference. Trying to meet an impossible standard of perfection can stifle creativity and self-expression.
  2. Fear of failure and criticism: The desire for perfection can create a fear of failure and criticism. Writers may become overly self-critical and hesitant to share their work, fearing that it will never be good enough. This fear can prevent them from taking risks and exploring new ideas, which limits their growth and development as writers.
  3. Perfectionism leads to procrastination: The pursuit of perfection can often lead to procrastination. Writers may spend excessive amounts of time revising and editing their work, endlessly chasing an unattainable ideal. This focus on achieving perfection can become a form of avoidance, preventing them from moving forward and completing their projects.
  4. Learning through imperfection: Writing is a process of learning and improvement. It’s through the act of writing, making mistakes, and receiving feedback that writers refine their skills and develop their unique voice. Embracing imperfection allows for experimentation, exploration, and learning from both successes and failures.
  5. Time constraints and practicality: In many professional writing settings, there are practical limitations on how much time can be devoted to a single piece. Whether it’s a deadline-driven project or a need for efficiency, writers often need to strike a balance between quality and timeliness. Perfectionism can hinder the ability to meet these practical requirements.

So, there comes a point when you simply have to let it go or you’ll never be published.

I’m not talking about releasing all effort at revising and working toward making your writing better. What I’m talking about is creating a process that has the steps necessary to complete revision within a scheduled time. So get the developmental edit done, get the fact-checking done, get the copy-editing done, get the proofreading done, get a beta reader. Do the things that help you refine your ideas and better connect with your audience. 

But set a limit on when changes can be made and when the review should end.

If errors are noticed afterward, think “revised edition” and fix it. Depending on what the errors are, they can even be left that way. There’s no reason to bludgeon your confidence over mistakes, especially if you had those second and third set of eyes review your writing and the mistakes were still overlooked. Learn from them and make your next publication even better.

Mistakes happen, even to the “big” publishers with an army of editors and multistep systems.

Ask yourself if the error significantly detracts from the message, if it deters readers from engaging with your book in the intended way, and how you can make the changes after the fact to keep your readers and sales.

What is your ultimate goal? Are you into being perfect or into getting your book into the hands of readers and bringing in those sales?

So don’t stifle your creativity by trying to make your writing perfect. Find the support you need to get your manuscript to the highest quality within a set timeframe, and get your book published.

Then, take a deep breath as you remember that writing is a process of constantly developing and you’re getting better with each interaction.

And, as always, happy writing.

Lie #7 – I Don’t Need a Plan, I Have Talent!

This is one of the lies which presents itself in such subtle ways sometimes that it’s overlooked. I can hear writers objecting with “that’s not my process, I just write and edit later” or “everyone is different and you should do what works for you, planning doesn’t work for me”. 

Then there are the complementary views from nonwriters, “I can’t publish a book because I’m not a writer, I’m not talented that way” or “that’s easy for you to say, you’re a natural writer”.

That last one really gets me. Every time I hear it I feel like shouting back, “Yes, sure, I have talent…talent in reading like my life depended on it, talent in working on my writing every chance I get…talent in disciplining myself to schedule my writing. Sure, sure, I AM TALENTED!”

Nobody questions athletes who turn up for practice day after day perfecting their skills. Did Michael Jordan become one of the greatest basketball players of all time by turning up for championship games only? Or did Serena Williams win all those grand slam titles by being on the court only when she had a match that “counted”?

In case you’re wondering, the answer to those questions is, “No.”

So then why is it that many people approach writing with the attitude that somehow success is dependent on having talent?

Part of the reason is that for many people writing is a more casual or flexible pursuit lacking the strict guidelines or routines that are often associated with other professions. Since it’s more of a creative expression, rules and structure are sometimes viewed as hindrances to personal style and artistic freedom.

Additionally, some believe that organic storytelling is more desirable and don’t want to restrain their flow of ideas by adhering to structure. This is especially true when there’s the added perception that planning is unnecessarily time consuming when focusing on just creating the work itself could be much faster and efficient.

Quite often, when writers approach planning with these kinds of attitudes, whenever they are coerced into planning they go into it kicking and screaming which will inevitably lead to frustration and a negative experience.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these objections so we can establish that the statement “you need talent to be a successful writer” is, indeed, a lie.

Objection 1: Planning stifles creativity

This is one of the more popular objections because quite a lot of people see a disparity between creativity and structure. They believe that creative expression flows without form and that anything which seeks to guide that creative expression runs the risk of blotting it out. This happens when writers approach a plan as something cast in stone, concrete, or marble that is inflexible…which is certainly not what a plan should be.

Planning is an opportunity to organize ideas and explore many more possibilities that may not have originally been noticed. It also ensures that a writer’s creative vision is communicated effectively. The thing that writers must always remember is that while we’re focused on ensuring we say what we want to say, it’s also just as important that our readers understand it. We’re not writing only for ourselves. We’re writing to share our ideas with others, so they must also be part of the equation. Planning helps us channel our creative energy more efficiently for the maximum impact.

Objection 2: Organic storytelling is more desirable

Organic storytelling is an approach that emphasizes the natural flow and development of a story. It involves allowing the story to unfold in a spontaneous and authentic manner, often without rigid or preconceived structures or detailed outlines. This approach embraces the idea that the narrative can evolve and take unexpected turns as the writer explores the characters, plot, and themes.

Many writers are invigorated by this method because it allows them to be surprised by the story’s unfolding, much like a reader experiencing it for the first time. This is exciting and feels more fluid and intuitive. However, much like the comments made in Objection 1, actual readers can feel alienated if the writer does not remember them in the writing process. Getting caught up in organic storytelling leads to the risk of disconnecting from readers for the sake of the story. In the end, a balance is needed because at the end of the day you are intending for sales while still being “true to your story”.

Objection 3: Planning is too time consuming

This is perhaps the easiest of the objections to counter. Whether the details are reviewed ahead of time or after writing, polishing a manuscript for publishing includes a review. When this is done during the editing process only, it often leads to a lengthier post writing changes or even rewriting and discarding sections of the manuscript. That, unfortunately, is more time consuming than having a plan in advance that allows you to be more strategic with the use of your time.

Objection 4: Planning doesn’t align with personal writing style

This objection relates closely to Objections 1 and 2. Some writers believe in the free flow of ideas and creativity which clashes with their understanding of what planning is. The thing is that planning provides clarity and organization which can fit into any writing style. There isn’t only one strategy for planning. Planning is a flexible approach that can be tailored to accommodate different creative processes. One writer may choose to use visual representations of their plot in a diagram while another may choose a notebook which organizes thoughts into categories and chapters. Yet another may choose to create a detailed outline from introduction to conclusion which they intend to follow.

Objection 5: Negative experiences means planning doesn’t work

Coming out of the notion that planning doesn’t fit certain writing styles, many writers have negative experiences related to planning which they refer to as evidence that planning doesn’t work for them. But if asked how many strategies they tried, it’s quite likely that only one or two may be highlighted. When a writer approaches his or her craft as something to be studied and practiced in order to be developed, the idea that there are only one or two ways of doing things seems absurd. Yet this is exactly what’s happening if we quit trying after only one or two attempts. Think about the fabled story of Thomas Edison trying over one thousand times to perfect the light bulb. If you keep trying, you will find a planning approach that works for you and allows you to truly benefit from the insight planning provides.

Being a successful writer is about more than simply being prolific. The quantity produced is balanced by the quality and audience response. Planning, in whatever form you choose that works best for you, gives you the greatest chance of success.

So don’t just sit and write expecting that talent will get you to where you need to be. And similarly, don’t avoid writing because of a perceived lack of talent. Talent alone is not what creates consistent winners. Putting in the work, which includes planning and strategizing, is what will get you the desired returns.

Figure out what works for you and get at it.

And, as always, happy writing.